Jana Seehusen’s practice as an artist and writer focuses on modes of language and action in relation to concepts of in-betweenness, otherness, and transitionings. Her work in the field of art theory, aesthetic theory in film, and cultural studies relates to questions on in/visibility, subject and gender theory, and identity politics. Her most recent publications are: “Performing Documentary. Birgit Kohler im Gespräch mit Jana Seehusen” (2014), “Echo: Lauter widerständige Entwürfe. Künstlerische Praktiken von Korrespondenz und Transfer” (2015), “How to perform entangled memories: Vom Sehen im Nichtsehen” (2016). Visualität und Abstraktion. Eine Aktualisierung des Figur-Grund-Verhältnisses, with Hanne Loreck (ed.) (2017). Since several years, she is part of a production e.V..
ONLINE: Screening Chapter #1
The Suspension and Excess of Time
Curated by Kathrin Becker , Jana Seehusen